Space Clearing

I help your home, work and land
support you in the highest and best way

Having a clear space is not only brings greater ease, it’s practical, too.

You can significantly increase your sense of well-being by having an energetically clear home and workplace. And, when you feel good in your space, you feel a natural sense of ownership and vitality that extends into your life.

If you have a sense that you could benefit from having your space cleared, please contact me.
I am happy to talk to you about how I can be of support to you.

I am available to work with you and your space from long distance or on site.

What is Space Clearing?

Many traditions throughout the world honor the sacred art of space clearingBut What is it? and Why is it so important?  

When our space is clear we feel unfettered, our energy is available and we can better focus. I clear your space so it may be serve as a true sanctuary for you providing a space of clarity beauty and harmony.

Just like dust and dirt in your home, energy in the form of residual emotions, thoughts and patterns can accumulate and become debris. Human beings release energy all of the time. The history of the events that have occurred in a space or on the land often cast a mark on the space. Over days, weeks and years this energetic or psychic debris can build up.

During your Space Clearing session, I will clear the “stuck”, old or stagnant energy that’s lingering in your home, work space, gathering space or land. 

Once cleared, I bring in supportive replenishing energies to elevate, enhance and augment the greater potential of your space. 



Why do we need our spaces to be clear?

Most of us recognize the difference when we are in a physical space that feels clear and uplifting. Such spaces help make being alive far more enjoyable. Clear spaces are spaces where people may more readily get along in harmony and where people can feel inspired, focus and achieve their goals. Space clearing offers invaluable support for your well-being on all levels.

When asked how to best support our human evolution, a teacher reported, “Keep your space clear!”



Who Does Space Clearing Serve Best? 

  • Entrepreneurs who want and need greater clarity, focus, productivity and inspiration in their work place
  • Healers, Counselors, Therapists who regularly have people in their space releasing emotions and energy
  • Sensitive People who are readily affected by the quality of their environment
  • Lawyers dealing with highly charged issues and want peace and ease in their environment for all
  • Realtors & Home Sellers who wish to make their house appeal to prospective buyers for a quicker sale
  • New Home Owners wishing to have a fresh start in their new home
  • Retreat Center Owners who have events and people passing through and wish to clear and refresh the space for the next event
  • People with Health & Relationship Issues sometimes personal issues are correlated with the issues present in a space
  • Workshop Leaders and Teachers who wish to cultivate a clear, rich and nourishing learning environment for their students
  • Anyone who wants to feel supported renewed and at peace in their space

How long does it take?
The length of time required to clear a space varies significantly. See the next page for logistics. 

How often should a space be cleared? 
Every situation is different. While physical cleaning of a space happens more frequently than space clearing, there is a correlation between the two as it depends upon what’s going on in the space. Once you have experienced your house cleared, you will have a far better sense of what might be needed later on. 

Additional Services Suggested
I highly recommend that once your space is cleared that you consider a basic clearing for yourself, and if relevant, others living in or regularly using the space. That way you can enjoy a bright shiny you in your bright shiny space! 

Book Your Session / Contact Quiana 

Pay for Your Session

Prepare for Your Space Clearing Session: Space Clearing Intake & Logistics