Create Business Alchemy

elping entrepreneurs like you,
clear blocks to success
so you can truly thrive in business

I help entrepreneurs who are self-sabotaging and not meeting their goals, get of their own way, address and clear the root cause of their distress so they can have more success, meet their goals, make more money and have more energy. 

Fulfill your mission & successfully share your gifts! 

Remember:  Your business is only as good as you are.

In fact, who you are determines a lot about how your business unfolds.
It’s successes, it’s failures, and everything in between.
You set the field, the tone and the pace of your business.
Simply, y
ou are your greatest asset.

As a business owner it’s vital to invest in your wellbeing. To evolve, you need to stay abreast of the growth that your business requires of you. Much like surfing, we need to stay in shape and keep alert to the waves as they come, so you can enjoy the ride!

Create Business Alchemy helps you bring your best self forward

What if by clearing and aligning your energy with your greater values and purpose, you could readily shift everything you create? It is not only possible, it works, I know because I’ve made this shift and it’s made all the difference. 

Contact Quiana to discuss how I can serve you and your needs.

Schedule Your Free Strategy Session