Meet Quiana

Quiana Grace Frost has served thousands of individuals, couples and groups from around the world for over 43 years.

A pioneer on the leading edge of the transformational & healing arts, she’s served as a leader, teacher, speaker, writer, facilitator, movement educator, expressive artist, healer, coach, mentor and champion for those on the path to their own self-realization. 

Quiana has honed a unique mastery of the art of facilitating both personal and business transformation.

With an impressive array of tools she can call upon as needed, Quiana gracefully brings light, love and an easeful flow to her work with clients and students.

As a Catalyst, Quiana successfully helps her clients to move beyond the unconscious limitations blocking their success, so they can fully thrive in their lives and in their business. With her extensive experience as a solo entrepreneur, a co-director of a multinational organization, and with in-depth business and life coaching training, she’s skilled in the art of tracking for the pivotal shifts needed.

Quiana gets right to the heart of the matter and supports profound transformation for her clients.

I got far more out of one hour with Quiana than I have out of months of work with my life coach!
~ M.A., Principal, Michael Alexander & Associates

Quiana shares her gifts with warmth, humor, and candor that illuminate, liberate and bring a greater recognition of our oneness in the greater sacred unfolding. 

Quiana’s light-filled openness, her capacity to witness and listen combined with her intuition and insights, wisdom and experience, humble stance and joyful way, and her reverence for the sacred, have made all my sessions with her profoundly helpful. My sessions have been expansive and embodying, transformative and lasting, and deeply practical…  It is a blessing to work with her!”
~ K.P., Sacred Movement Educator 

If you’re curious how Quiana can support you in your next steps… feel free to reach out.
The first conversation is free!

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One woman shared…

My [free] conversation with you was perhaps the most significant part of my [9 month training]. I continue to think about what you shared. Thank you!.”
~ J.K,. Artist

You will get tremendous value regardless of the path you chose moving forward! 

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