Salt & Soda – Post Session Care

A Sacred Anatomy Energy MedicineTM Tool

Sea Salt is a sacred substance that naturally cleanses the energy field.
Baking Soda (not baking powder) draws out toxins and alkalizes the body.

Using Salt & Soda is a wonderful way to clear stagnant energy and refresh yourself.It is especially helpful to use after receiving a healing session to support feeling lighter and clearer. .

Ways to Use Salt & Soda
There are many ways to use Salt and Soda. Always use Salt and Soda in equal 1:1 proportions for best results. It is not necessary to shower or rinse off after bathing.

Salt & Soda Bath
Add equal proportions of Salt & Soda to a bath – soak as long as is comfortable.

Add equal parts of Salt & Soda to a warm to hot bath. Remain in bath as long as desired. At least 20 minutes is suggested or until the water cools. Add additional hot water as desired. Baths are a simple and relaxing way to cleanse, purify and release.

Salt & Soda Foot Bath
Add equal proportions to a suitable container, add warm water part way and soak your feet. Soak as long as is comfortable, adding hotter water as needed..

Add equal parts of Salt & Soda to a large container. Add some warm water, stir to dissolve, then put in your feet. Slowly and carefully continue adding warm water. Keep feet in the foot bath as long as desired. At least 20 minutes is suggested or until the water cools, or you can continue adding hot water as desired. Note: Adding hot water slowly will allow for your body to adjust more readily to the heat than if you try to fill the container with hot water and then try to step in.

Salt & Soda Scrub
Best if you don’t have a bathtub, prefer showers, or have less available time. Combine equal parts of Salt & Soda in a small container. Add a small bit of water to create a paste-like texture. Rub the paste gently over your body. The mixture is fine on your hair. Rinse off in the shower.

Salt & Soda Pack
Add Salt and Soda to a small “baggie” (double bagging is best in case of breakage). Place the baggie in your pocket can help your energy clear during the day. Also putting a salt and soda pack on a body part that is in pain may help to reduce symptoms.

Carrying a small baggie (double bagged for durability) filled half-way with Salt & Soda in your pocket, purse, or briefcase can help your energy clear during the day. A Salt & Soda Pack can be used on a body part that is in pain to help to reduce the pain. You will want to refresh / replace the contents after a while.

* As a word of caution, if you are pregnant, or have a serious health condition such as heart disease, high blood pressure, or diabetes, please check with your doctor before trying a Salt and Soda bath.