Session Information

Scheduling Your Sacred Alchemy Energy Medicine Session 
Sessions are available by either in-person or at a distance (by phone or zoom). All sessions are “by appointment only”. Please write or call Quiana to set up your session. When scheduling your session, allow 2 hours and consider giving yourself some time afterwards to allow for an easeful transition. 

Usually, in-Person Sessions are best for folks who are in the area and have extra time.

In Person Sessions Provide
• The “warm fuzzy” TLC quotient that some people know they prefer or need
• A beautiful setting with a lovely garden, hot tea, fresh water, and garden views
• The fragrance of incense and the companionship of 2 cats and 2 dogs (one energizer bunny love-pup who brings sweetness and delight and one deep Buddha-like fluff-ball who is a soulful “healer pup”)
• A sense of spacious ease in a personal setting if you have extra time for travel and transitions.

For Your In-Person Sessions 
I will provide the address for your session upon completion of your scheduling.

Pertinent Details:  Please come to the address provided. We are the last house on the left. PLEASE DRIVE SLOWLY. (Really! We are on a dead-end road and the neighbors all know one another and request slow respectful speeds for everyone’s safety.) Please come to the end of the road and make a U-turn. Please park on the road in front of the house, not in the driveway, and come to the front entrance. My little pups will greet you at the door and will likely bark in excitement. They calm down quickly and will be a sweetie pies. Please note: If you prefer a session free of animals, let me know and I can move them to another area prior to your session.This is a shoe-free house, so please bring slippers or warm fuzzy socks if you wish this added comfort.

Distance sessions are offered by Phone or for International Clients, by Zoom. Distance Sessions are the most convenient and efficient use of your time and resources.

Arrange a Distance Session If…
• You are not in the local area and/or don’t wish to travel for a session
• You have limited time available and want to spare the added travel / transition time
• Your health or mobility make In-Person Sessions prohibitive
• You are more comfortable in spaces without incense, cats or dogs

For Your Phone Sessions 
Please call my cell phone: 707-318-8824 at the time of your appointment. If, for any reason, you don’t get through at the designated time, please call again in a few minutes as I may be completing a prior session. 

For International Clients
Upon booking your session, I will send you a link to “Zoom” that will enable you free online access via my account. After we meet, I will shift the call to audio-only mode for the remainder of the session to sustain the best quality connection.

All cancellations must be made at least 48 hours in advance. Please notify me by my cell phone (707) 318-8824 as soon as you know you might not be able to make it so another person can have your time. Full payment will be expected if your cancellation is given in under 48 hours. The exception to this are: 1) True emergencies,  2) If your appointed time is filled by another person, in which cases, there is no charge.

Before Your Session
Please complete your Intake & Release Form and return it to me at at least 48 hours prior to your session. Sending in your Intake & Release Form early helps us save valuable session time. If there is any information that you don’t feel comfortable sharing in this form and would prefer to share in person, that’s fine, be sure to share it at the onset of our session so that the intake information I have for you is complete.

It is very helpful to have given some thought as to what you’d like to focus on during our time together. Consider both your short-term desires as well as your longer-term goals. You may want to have a journal or notebook with you for your personal notes and reflections during and after your session. Please come to your session ready, available and present.

At the Time of your Session
Please be on time so we can make the most of our time together.

What to Expect During A Session
We will take a moment to help get you get settled and comfortable and oriented to the flow of the session. With your permission I will offer a gentle prayer on your behalf. I then do an assessment of your energetic structure to determine what’is needed. Next, I ask you what you’d like from your session. I listen and reflect what I’ve heard you say in summary, check out my understanding and offer options as I see how to best serve you and your needs. At each step you have full choice and we will work together in partnership on your behalf.

The possible options that may arise are Clearings, Alignments & Procedures.

Clearings clear away debris and clutter from all that you may have taken on and the extraneous “stuff” of life that  may not have fully cleared out of your system.

Alignments help bring things into proper working order.

Procedures address deeper limiting patterns that no longer serve that are ready to being released. Procedures repair and heal your energy body and restore you to your wholeness. 

At the end of the session, we schedule your follow-up / check-in and end the session with a closing prayer.

A full session typically takes 2 hours. Sometimes first sessions can take a bit longer as we are introducing new concepts as we go. Shorter sessions are available focused on specific timely concerns. Full sessions provide the greatest value as they address your whole self and leave you feeling deeply connected, whole and complete.

Payment for your session is due upon completion of the session. My rate is $150/ hour and most sessions last 2 hours in length and total $300. You will be billed for the actual time used. Phone Session clients can pay via PayPal. In-Person Session clients, please have a check, credit card or proper cash available on hand or you can pay via PayPal as well. 

After Your Session
To support the deepening integration of the work we do together, you may wish to allow some time to enjoy your newfound spaciousness and ease. You may want to drop in and enjoy more rest or you may feel deeply renewed and energized. Give yourself what you need.

As the work is a deep process, you may wish to further support your clearing by taking a “Salt and Soda Bath” (1 part sea salt + 1 part baking soda) or put equal portions of salt & soda in a small bowl, add water, create a smooth paste and scrub your skin with this mixture; then shower it off.

Simply: Rest, drinking lots of water, a salt and soda bath and added protein (plant based is fine) in your diet are the basic suggestions to help support your post-session integration.

Follow-Up Support
A few days to a week after your session, you will receive an additional 15 minute follow-up check-in. This is included as part of your session at no additional fee. Your follow-up is very important for a couple of reasons. 1) It lets us both witness and track the success of your work and 2) It can offer invaluable support to help you contextualize the changes you may be experiencing. While the benefits of the session will continue to unfold over time, this follow-up time can offer invaluable support. Please send me an email check-in report or phone message at your convenience. I will read / listen and respond by email.

Timely Concerns & Questions
If you have any questions about your upcoming appointment, or if anything comes up right away, please contact me asap via my cell phone (707) 318-8824. Texting me will get you the quickest response.

~ Quiana